
VeranstaltungenKIT-ZAK Tanja Meißner



Science Camp Teilchen- und Teilchenastrophysik für Jugendliche

2024-08_Science-Camp KIT

August 2024
Vom 18. – 23. August fand in den Räumen des Triangel am Kronenplatz das diesjährige Science-Camp zur Teilchen- und Teilchenastrophysik statt.

Insgesamt 21 Jugendliche, davon neun weiblich, sind aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet nach Karlsruhe gekommen, um hier, unterstützt von Physikstudierenden des KIT, KCETA-Mitgliedern und dem Science Camp-Team des ZML, in die Welt der Teilchenphysik einzutauchen.

In Vorträgen von Professoren und Professorinnen, workshopartigen „Masterclasses“ der Netzwerkteilchenwelt und Führungen durch die Forschungsanlagen am KIT (KATRIN, KARA und FLUTE) erhielten die Jugendlichen einen Einstieg ins Thema, und ihr Forschergeist wurde geweckt. In vier Themengruppen (Messung kosmischer Myonen, Bau eines Teilchendetektors, Nachweis von Strahlung in einer Nebelkammer und Higgs-Entdeckung anhand von LHC-Daten) begannen sie, selbst zu forschen. Im Rahmen eines öffentlichen Abschlussvortrags stellten die Schüler und Schülerinnen am Ende der Woche ihre Ergebnisse vor und erklärten dabei auch ihren Eltern und Freunden das „Standardmodell“ der Teilchenphysik.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an alle Beteiligten und Unterstützer, insbesondere an das Team des ZML und das Team der Triangel, der Schülerakademie Karlsruhe e.V. Ein besonderer Dank gilt der Vektor-Stiftung und den Schroff-Stiftungen, die durch ihre Unterstützung das Camp ermöglicht haben. Ein herzlicher Dank geht natürlich auch an die beteiligten Betreuenden aus der Fakultät für Physik und von KCETA.

"Heimspiel Wissenschaft" - Andreas Haungs in conversation event with Tim Otto Roth

"Heimspiel Wissenschaft" – Andreas Haungs im Gespräch mit Tim Otto Roth Miriam Seidler
Host Philipp Schrögel with Andreas Haungs and Tim Otto Roth (f.l.t.r.)

June 19, 2024
On June 19, two scientists from Central Baden met in their hometown for a discussion organized by the network Heimspiel Wissenschaft: KCETA astroparticle physicist Dr. Andreas Haungs from the IAP, who was born in Bühl-Moos in Baden, was a guest in the studio of artist, composer and cultural historian Dr. Tim Otto Roth in Oppenau in the Black Forest. Moderated by Philipp Schrögel, the two talked about their work in the Oppenau "Schlössle", the home of Tim Otto Roth's imachination labs. One of the topics was the project "Cosmic Revelation", for which they brought together physics and art for the first time in a spectacular way in 2008/09, which led to a report in the renowned journal Nature. The conversation focused on phenomena that are invisible to our senses and from which modern physics seeks to extract secrets: X-rays and radio waves confront us with new forms of light outside the visible spectrum. Cosmic rays expose us on Earth to an invisible stream of high-energy elementary particles from space. The audience was invited to ask questions and to get into conversation with each other afterwards.

The Heimspiel Wissenschaft network brings researchers from rural areas back to their hometowns. There they talk about how and why they do research and how it relates to all of our lives. In this way, science and research become tangible in the pub around the corner, in the community center, in the sports clubhouse or in the village square. A sustainable network of universities and their researchers will be established to explore and develop new ways of communicating science in rural areas. The project aims to encourage universities to organize their own "home games" with their researchers in their home towns.

Baden online reported on the event.

Girls' Day at KCETA

K. Link / KIT
Experimenting with cosmic particles

25. April 2024
Several KCETA working groups took part in the Girls' Day 2024 with different activities. The schoolgirls were able to choose whether they wanted to find out more about the search for cosmic particles in the universe, or whether they wanted to hunt for dark matter. Or whether they would prefer to measure ghost particles with the KATRIN experiment or rather learn everything about the career fields of a physicist, from particle and quantum theory to applied medical physics.

Thanks to the support of KCETA scientists, especially Masterstudents and KSETA doctoral students, a total of 70 schoolgirls were able to discover the exciting world of particle and astroparticle physics and find out what the everyday life of a physicist is like.


Looking back, looking ahead: DPG Spring Meeting in Karlsruhe

Blick zurück, Blick nach vorn: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024 in Karlsruhe Daryoush Djavadi / KIT

From March 4 to 8, 2024, more than 1000 particle physicists met at KIT to discuss recent topics in their field. The DPG working group on equal opportunities and the young DPG also participated in the conference program. Highlights of the conference were a festive session on the occasion of Herwig Schopper's 100th birthday, a symposium on the future of the research field and a public evening lecture on the secrets of the invisible universe.

The conference was opened by KIT Vice President and acting president Oliver Kraft, the local conference chair Ulrich Husemann from the Institute of Experimental Particle Physics at KIT (ETP) and the chairman of the Particle Physics Association Johannes Haller from the University of Hamburg. Highlights of the scientific program included plenary presentations on physics at the LHC (Marumi Kado, MPP Munich), the study of cosmic rays (Ralph Engel, KIT) and the search for dark matter (Teresa Marrodán, MPIK Heidelberg) as well as a series of invited talks on current research topics. In more than 800 contributions in the parallel sessions, young researchers in particular used the opportunity to present their results and to network.

The festive highlight of the conference program was a symposium on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Herwig Schopper, the founder of modern nuclear and particle physics in Karlsruhe and later director of DESY and CERN. After greetings from DPG Vice President Lutz Schröter, Oliver Kraft, and Thomas Müller from the ETP, former DESY director Albrecht Wagner gave the laudatory speech. Guido Drexlin, Dean of the KIT Department of Physics, awarded Herwig Schopper an honorary doctorate from KIT for his extraordinary services to particle physics and to physics in Karlsruhe. The birthday celebration also included a very special birthday cake, a "Happy Birthday" serenade for Herwig Schopper and a standing ovation for his acceptance speech in a packed Audimax. Kalle Randalu (Karlsruhe University of Music) and Miho Uchida (Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe) provided a festive setting for the celebration with their four-handed piano music by Mozart and Brahms. Finally, DESY research director Beate Heinemann gave an overview of the breakthroughs in particle physics over the past 100 years and a look into the future in her ceremonial lecture.

The future of particle and astroparticle physics was also the topic of a symposium with presentations on a future "Higgs boson factory" (Jürgen Reuter, DESY), future projects for the detection of gravitational waves (Katharina-Sophie Isleif, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg) and sustainability in particle and astroparticle physics (Michael Düren, University of Giessen). The symposium was accompanied musically by the commissioned composition "Future Super Accelerator" by Hanna Sophie Lüke.

To kick off the conference, the young DPG (jDPG) organized a tutorial to introduce young participants to the topics of the conference. The jDPG's evening event on physicists outside academia was also very well received.

A visitor program took conference participants to KIT's Campus North, where they were able to visit unique research infrastructures such as the KATRIN experiment for measuring neutrino mass, the KARA and FLUTE particle accelerator facilities, the GridKa Tier 1 computing center, the Karlsruhe tritium laboratory, and clean rooms and production facilities for the international large-scale experiments CMS, Auger, and IceCube. The guided tours were fully booked within a few hours.

The conference's supporting program was also a complete success: the traditional welcome evening on Monday was kicked off by the Physikerchor Karlsruhe, before participants were able to maintain old friendships and make new ones over vegan food and chilled drinks. On Wednesday evening, the Physikertheater performed a play by Juri Soyfer in front of a full house. Last but not least, the jDPG pub crawl and the after-parties – organized by the ETP doctoral researchers themselves – brought the young participants together.

Sustainability was also a major topic at the Karlsruhe DPG meeting in terms of catering. Wherever possible, vegan organic products from local producers, regional fruit and regional drinks in reusable containers were offered. Offers of help for participants ranged from a "Care & Awareness Team" for any questions or need to talk, a call for respectful interaction with one another and a way to report incidents during the conference. These measures took place for the first time at a DPG Spring Meeting and could serve as a model for future conferences.

Vortrag "Neutrinos und Dunkle Materie"

Prof. Kathrin Valerius ist dem unsichtbaren Universum auf der Spur
Am 5. März 2024 hält Prof. Kathrin Valerius einen öffentlichen Abendvortrag in deutscher Sprache mit dem Titel:

Dem unsichtbaren Universum auf der Spur: Neutrinos und Dunkle Materie

Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen der DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024 in Karlsruhe statt.

Dienstag, 05. März 2024, 19:30-21:00
KIT, Campus Süd
Geb. 30.95, Audimax



Annual meeting of DDAp/DDEIT and HIRSAP 2023

Jahrestreffen von DDAp/DDEIT und HIRSAP 2023 Edyvania Martins / KIT
The participants of the DDAp/DDEIT/HIRSAP meeting

November 2023
The annual meeting of DDAp/DDEIT and HIRSAP took place on November 21 and 22. The doctoral students met at UNSAM in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and each gave a short presentation on their work. In addition to the PIs, some external participants were also present: Dr. Rodrigo Diaz (ICAS-UNSAM) spoke about"Discovery and characterization of extrasolar planets boosted by machine learning algorithms" and Dr. Ana Martina Botti (FNAL), DDAp alumna, spoke about"Dark matter detection beyond the WIMP: pushing the sensitivites with skipper-CCDs".

It was a special pleasure to welcome the new director of the Centro Universitario Argentino Alemán (CUAA), Lic. Hebe Leyendecker, and her team, Clementina Caverzaghi Claas and Matías Pérez, on November 22. DAHZ and CUAA sponsor the Double Doctoral degree in Astrophysics (DDAp).

Innovative educational concept opens doors to science and art for young people

Ein innovatives Vermittlungskonzept am KIT öffnet Türen zu Wissenschaft und Kunst für Jugendliche Aichert
Ein innovatives Vermittlungskonzept am KIT öffnet Türen zu Wissenschaft und Kunst für Jugendliche Aichert
Pupils' artistic interpretation of particle physics themes

November 2023
With the "Science&Art@School in Karlsruhe" program, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) aims to create a pioneering approach to get young people interested in complex topics through an interdisciplinary combination of art and science. This innovative concept is based on the assumption that an early engagement with art and a creative approach to scientific topics have a positive impact on the educational path and the choice of studies, especially in the STEM field.

The initiator, the KIT Center for Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KCETA) at KIT, started the program under the direction of Dr. Katrin Link, initially as a test offer for one school in Karlsruhe, with more to follow. The aim is not only to get young people excited about science through creative artistic reflection and inspiration, but also to win over other partners from the fields of culture and education as collaborators.

In fall 2023, the first event took place with Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium Stutensee, with which KCETA has now been cooperating for 10 years. The head of the Institute for Elementary Particle Physics (ETP), Prof. Markus Klute, invited the pupils to immerse themselves in the fascinating concepts of particle and astrophysics. First, there were exciting hands-on workshops led by young KIT students Michelle Gensmann and Christian Winter. Afterwards, the school class visited KIT's state-of-the-art cutting-edge technology infrastructure and were thus familiarized with the everyday life of basic research and technology. They saw a clean room where highly sensitive detector elements are assembled for the experiments at CERN, a state-of-the-art mechanical workshop where a computer-controlled robot can precisely cut materials with a water jet, and the KATRIN experiment located at the KIT North Campus.

The event included not only a purely fact-based approach to the topics, but also a philosophical reflection and discussion in which the students were able to share their personal experiences and expectations. They were then invited to express their thoughts and feelings through artistic experiments. Prepared in advance of the event by their dedicated physics teacher Hartmut Aichert, the students had great fun and were fully engaged as they carried out their art experiments under the guidance of Dr. Michael Hoch, physicist and art educator at CERN. The resulting artworks are already impressive testimonies to this inspiring experience.

The aim of the kick-off workshop at KIT is to integrate the understanding and enthusiasm gained into everyday school life. The focus here is on continuing and deepening the artistic exploration in work or art lessons. KCETA is looking forward to presenting the students' final works to the public in an appealing setting at KIT. This unique combination of basic research and creative expression shows that science can not only be fascinating, but also inspiring.

10 years of cooperation between Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium and KCETA

10 Jahre Kooperation zwischen Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium und KCETA KIT
Dr. Andreas Haungs

December 14, 2023
The cooperation between the Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium (TMG) in Stutensee and the KIT center KCETA has existed for ten years. On this occasion, KCETA scientist Dr. Andreas Haungs will give an anniversary lecture on the IceCube neutrino observatory at the South Pole.

Andreas Haungs conducts research at the IceCube experiment, which provides important insights into neutrinos at the South Pole. In recent years, it has become clear that "neutrinos are astronomy's new window on the universe," says Hartmut Aichert, a physics teacher at TMG. "And we are very happy to say, that TMG students have made small contributions to this unique detector in recent years."

In his lecture in the canteen of the school center, Andreas Haungs will present high-energy neutrinos as messengers from the sources of the omnipresent cosmic radiation. The lecture will take place on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 17:30. Attendance is free, please register at sekretariat does-not-exist.tmg-stutensee de.

More info

Masterclass on International Cosmic Day

Auger masterclass International Cosmic Day Jelena Köhler / KIT
Laura Lehmann with some students at the Masterclass

November 21, 2023
On International Cosmic Day an Auger Masterclass took place at the Institute for Astroparticle Physics (IAP). Jelena Köhler and Laura Lehmann, supported by Katrin Link and Lukas Gülzow, supervised 17 participants from 8 different schools in the region. One student even travelled all the way from Ulm.

After the Auger Masterclass and muon measurements, the students had a Zoom Call with a school in Birmingham, one in China and the University of Würzburg, during which all groups presented their work. The young researchers were so interested that they could hardly stop asking questions, even during the breaks.

At the same time, an Auger Masterclass took place at DESY/Zeuthen, in which Pavlo Plotko supervised 22 participants online in the Ukraine. This event was jointly prepared by Jelena Köhler and Pavlo Plotko. The IAP also financed ICD coffee mugs for all participants at KIT and in Ukraine.

Großes Interesse bei den Vortragsabenden der Reihe "Unser Universum"

Erster Vortragsabend der Reihe "Unser Universum" B. v. Puttkamer / KIT
Prof. Markus Klute, Dr. Magnus Schlösser und PD Dr. Roger Wolf (v.l.n.r.)
B. v. Puttkamer / KIT
Prof. Torben Ferber, Prof. Felix Kahlhöfer, Prof. Kathrin Valerius (v.l.n.r.)
2023 10 Großes Interesse bei den Vortragsabenden der Reihe "Unser Universum" B. v. Puttkamer / KIT
Prof. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold, Dr. Andreas Haungs, M. Sc. Jelena Köhler (v.l.n.r.)

Im Oktober und November 2023 hatte das KIT-Zentrum Elementarteilchen- und Astroteilchenphysik (KCETA) die interessierte Öffentlichkeit zu drei Vortragsabend ins Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe geladen. Die Abende standen unter dem Gesamttitel Unser Universum (siehe auch weiter unten auf dieser Seite).

Drei Vorträge von je 20 Minuten Dauer beschäftigten sich am ersten Abend mit den Themen:

  • Auf der Suche nach dem Ursprung der Masse am Large Hadron Collider des CERN. (Prof. Markus Klute)
  • Die Bedeutung von Tritium für die Kernfusion, sowie die Bestimmung der Masse des Elektronneutrinos, als dem vermeintlich leichtesten uns bekannten Elemtarteilchen mit nicht-verschwindender Masse. (Dr. Magnus Schlösser)
  • Was bedeutet eine Messung in der modernen Wissenschaft überhaupt und wie findet Erkenntnisgewinn in der modernen Wissenschaft statt? (PD Dr. Roger Wolf)

Der zweite Abend stand ganz unter dem fesselnden Motto Dunkle Materie und beleuchtete das Thema zunächst aus der Sicht eines theoretischen Physikers (Prof. Felix Kahlhöfer). Danach berichteten die ExperimentalphysikerInnen Prof. Kathrin Valerius und Prof. Torben Ferber über die intensive Suche nach Dunkler Materie in Xenon-Experimenten bzw. in Beschleunigerexperimenten.

Am 28. November fand der dritte Vortrag statt, der sich ganz dem Thema Kosmische Strahlung widmete. M. Sc. Jelena Köhler führte in ihrem Vortrag ins Thema kosmischen Strahlung und deren Erforschung ein. Dr. Andreas Haungs berichtete von der spannenden Neutrino-Astronomie, die vom IceCube-Observatorium am extremen Standort Südpol betrieben wird. Schließlich gab Prof. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold in seinem Vortrag "Neutrinos, Schrödingers Katze und der Ursprung der Materie" einen Überblick über gewonnene Erkenntnisse und über ungelöste Fragen, die die Theoretiker und Experimentalphysiker in der Zukunft beschäftigen werden.

Alle diese Themen stehen in direktem Zusammenhang zur täglichen Arbeit der Mitarbeitenden und Studierenden von KCETA. Das altersmäßig gut durchmischte Publikum zeigte in vielen und gutinformierten Fragen an die Vortragenden sein reges Interesse an den Themen.

KCETA-Vortragsreihe im Naturkundemuseum

UNSER UNIVERSUM: Vorträge zum Jahr der Wissenschaft 2023

Oktober/November 2023
Vortragsreihe von KCETA-Wissenschaftlern im Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe

Di. 17.10., 18:30 Uhr, Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe, Vortragssaal

Wie können wir mit Hilfe von Beschleunigern herausfinden, wie die größten und die kleinsten Strukturen im Universum miteinander zusammenhängen und wie hilft uns das radioaktive Tritium bei der Bestimmung der Masse des flüchtigen Neutrinos? Außerdem sind Sie eingeladen mit zu diskutieren, ob der Begriff „exakte Wissenschaft“ in der modernen Physik der kleinsten Teilchen eigentlich noch gilt.

Prof. Markus Klute
Unser Universum enthüllt: Die Mysterien von Masse, Higgs und Dunkler Materie

Dr. Magnus Schlösser
Tritium - Fusionsbrennstoff und Schlüssel zur Neutrinomasse

PD Dr. Roger Wolf
Erkenntnisgewinn in der modernen Physik -- ist das noch exakte Wissenschaft?

Di. 31.10., 18:30 Uhr, Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe, Vortragssaal

Am 31. Oktober feiern Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler gemeinsam mit allen Interessierten den internationalen Dark Matter Day. Auch wir möchten diesen Tag mit Ihnen begehen und für Sie die dunkle Seite des Universums beleuchten. Die Erforschung der „Dunklen Materie“ ist eines der größten Rätsel der Physik und wir wollen Ihnen zeigen, wie wir der Lösung dieses Rätsels auf die Spur kommen.

Prof. Felix Kahlhöfer
Der heiße Urknall und kalte Teilchen: Es werde Licht (und dunkle Materie)

Prof. Kathrin Valerius
Die Jagd nach Dunkler Materie - dem unsichtbaren Universum auf der Spur

Prof. Torben Ferber
Das Universum im Labor - Dunkle Materie an Teilchenbeschleunigern

Di. 28.11., 18:30 Uhr, Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe, Vortragssaal

Die Erde steht unter fortwährendem Beschuss von kleinsten Teilchen aus dem Universum, der kosmischen Strahlung. Mit riesigen Observatorien und mit Hilfe theoretischer Überlegungen versuchen wir, hochenergetische kosmische Strahlung und astrophysikalische Neutrinos zu messen und damit dem Ursprung des Universums und der Materie auf die Spur zu kommen.

M. Sc. Jelena Köhler
Die Geheimnisse der kosmischen Strahlung: Erforschung der Ursprünge hochenergetischer Teilchen

Dr. Andreas Haungs
Ein neues Fenster in das Universum hat sich geöffnet: Die Neutrino-Astronomie

Prof. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
Neutrinos, Schrödingers Katze und der Ursprung der Materie


3. Juli 2023 – "Das Universum und wir – was die Grundlagenforschung mit unserem Alltag zu tun hat“

KIT im Rathaus
2023 KIT im Rathaus.jpg KIT
"Das Universum und wir": volles Haus bei KIT im Rathaus.

Am 3. Juli 2023 präsentierte KCETA in der Reihe "KIT im Rathaus" wieder eine Veranstaltung für die Karlsruher Öffentlichkeit. Zum Thema „Das Universum und wir – was die Grundlagenforschung mit unserem Alltag zu tun hat“ gab es eine Reihe von Vorträgen.

  • "Das KIT-Zentrum für Elementarteilchen und Astroteilchenphysik stellt sich vor"
    Prof. Dr. Milada Margarete Mühlleitner

    (Stellvertretende wissenschaftliche Sprecherin von KCETA, Leiterin des Instituts für Theoretische Physik ITP)
  • "Kosmische Teilchenbeschleuniger der Superlative"
    PD Dr. Roger Wolf
    (Institut für Experimentelle Teilchenphysik ETP)
  • "Neue Impulse für die Strahlenmedizin"
    Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller

    (Wissenschaftliche Sprecherin von KCETA, Direktorin des Instituts für Beschleunigerphysik und Technologie IBPT)
  • "Superbeschleuniger der Zukunft: Maschinen für Forschung und Gesellschaft"
    Prof. Dr. Bernhard Holzapfel
    (Direktor des Instituts für Technische Physik ITEP)

Außerdem Grußworte von Dr. Albert Käuflein, Bürgermeister der Stadt Karlsruhe und Prof. Dr. Alexander Wanner, Vizepräsident für Lehre und akademische Angelegenheiten des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT)

Begleitend findet vom 3. bis zum 6. Juli 2023 eine Ausstellung im oberen Foyer 1. OG des Rathauses statt. Neben vielen informativen Postern und einer Nebelkammer waren dort Modelle des IceCube-Experiments, des KATRIN-Experiments, des Pierre-Auger-Observatoriums und des FLUTE-Experiments zu sehen.

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7. März 2023 – EFFEKTE: Viel los beim KCETA-Abend

Großer Andrang der Karlsruher Bevölkerung bei Vorträgen und Ausstellung
2023-03_vortrag-effekte.jpg TRIANGEL Transfer Kultur Raum

"Was wissen wir eigentlich schon von unserem Universum?"

Unter diesem Motto stand der EFFEKTE-Wissenschaftsdienstag am 7. März. Ein Thema, das zahlreiche Interessierte ins Triangel am Kronenplatz lockte – so viele, dass der Vortragssaal komplett gefüllt war und viele Besucherinnen und Besucher nur noch Stehplätze ergattern konnten.

Vor zehn Jahren wurde am CERN in der Nähe von Genf das Higgs-Teilchen entdeckt – ein Höhepunkt auf der Suche nach den physikalischen Grundlagen unserer Welt. Heute wird das Higgs-Teilchen immer noch intensiv erforscht – Überraschungen nicht ausgeschlossen, wie der Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann vom Institut für Experimentelle Teilchenphysik des KIT zeigte.
Erforscht werden auch das Universum und deren kosmische Superbeschleuniger. Dafür braucht es Observatorien mit riesiger Leistungsfähigkeit an entlegenen Orten der Erde. Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel vom Institut für Astroteilchenphysik des KIT entführte die Zuhörenden in die einzigartigen weiten Welten unseres Kosmos.
Welche Bedeutung Künstliche Intelligenz, Big Data und der offene Umgang mit wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen in der Erforschung des Universums haben, erläuterte Dr. Andreas Haungs vom selben Institut.

Nach den Vorträgen nahmen die Redner auf dem Podiumssofa Platz und beantworteten zahlreiche Fragen des interessierten Publikums.

Im Anschluss konnten sich alle in einer umfangreichen Ausstellung ein anschauliches Bild der wissenschaftlichen Experimente und Erkenntnisse machen und den Forschenden im persönlichen Gespräch weitere Details ihrer Forschung entlocken.



13 February 2023 - jDPG Presentation of the working groups

2023-02_jDPG-Arbeitsgruppenvorstellung.jpg IAP
Large crowd at the presentation of the jDPG working group

On February 13, the annual working groups presentation of the jDPG regional group Karlsruhe took place. It is intended to provide orientation for bachelor or master students who want to inform themselves about research at KIT in general or about where to write their diploma thesis in particular.

All research groups of the Faculty of Physics at KIT as well as associated institutes were invited to present themselves with an own booth where researchers talked about their field of research and possible diploma theses.

More Information


February 4, 2023 - Information for students at the Career Presence Day

Berufspraesenztag Jelena Petereit

Two high schools in Witten, Germany, invited Jelena Petereit to speak at their Career Presence Day to introduce the training at KIT and KCETA to the students and to give them advice on their choice of study and career. This event, where scientists present various fields of study and careers, has been highly appreciated by students for many years.




January 20, 2023 – Physics Colloquium by former CERN Director Rolf Heuer

"Celebrating 10 years of the Higgs Boson – CERN exploring the Early Universe"
Professor Dr. Rolf-Dieter Heuer CERN
Professor Dr. Rolf-Dieter Heuer

Over more than fifty years particle physics has made tremendous progress in understanding how the microcosm and the early Universe work, culminating in the discovery of the Higgs-Boson ten years ago.

Although the Standard model of particle physics has become one of the most successful, most tested scientific ideas, it is not, however, a theory of everything. It leaves many questions unanswered and needs to be embedded into something bigger. The discovery of the Higgs boson, therefore, was an end as well as a beginning. The Higgs is a very special particle and might become one of the best laboratories we have to open the door to physics beyond the Standard Model.

Rolf Heuer's talk on January 20 at 15:45 h in Lehmann lecture hall will describe the journey to its discovery and the years beyond. It will address some of the open questions and finally try to look into the future.


September 2022 – Heinrich Hertz Visiting Professorship to Reinhard Genzel

September 2022 – Heinrich-Hertz-Gastprofessur an Reinhard Genzel MPI
Professor Dr. Reinhard Genzel

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e.V. (KFG) award the Heinrich Hertz Visiting Professorship 2022 to Professor Reinhard Genzel. Genzel is director of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching near Munich and received one half of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020 together with U.S. astronomer Andrea Ghez for the discovery of the supermassive black hole in the center of our Milky Way known today as Sagittarius A*.

In addition to a seminar exclusively addressed to students and scientifically active KIT members, Professor Genzel will give a public lecture on Wednesday, 05.10.22 in the context of the award ceremony, to which KIT and KFG cordially invite. As a student or KIT member, you are welcome to register for both events.

Heinrich Hertz Visiting Professorship 2022


Student seminar by Professor Genzel
"The formation and evolution of star-forming galaxies"

Exclusively for students and KIT members
04.10.22, 16.30 h, KIT Campus South, Tulla lecture hall
Info and registration

Public lecture an award giving
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel talks about "Galaxies and Black Holes".
05.10.22, 16.30 h, KIT Campus South, Audimax (building 30.95)
Info and registration

Get-together with Prof. Reinhard Genzel
Exklusively for KSETA PhD students
05.10.22, 14.00 h, KIT Campus South, building 30.23, 3/1
Info and registration


July 22, 2022 – 20 Years GridKa

2022 07 20 Jahre GridKa KIT / SCC
Greeting of the KIT Presidium by Prof. Dr. O. Kraft

20 years ago, on October 30, 2002, the inauguration colloquium of GridKa, the central German computing center for nuclear and particle physics in the worldwide LHC Computing Grid, took place.

The successful operation of GridKa for 20 years was now honored in an event in the SCC at Campus North of KIT. After a greeting of the KIT Presidium by Prof. Dr. Kraft, there were reviews by Prof. Dr. Maschuw, Dipl.-Phys. Mickel and Dr. Marten. Of course, the outlooks into the future could not be missing, Prof. Dr. Mnich (CERN) as well as A. Streit from the SCC took care of that.


4. Juli 2022 – vor 10 Jahren wurde das Higgs-Boson entdeckt

2022-07_10-Jahre-Higgs.jpg Laura Vogiatzis

Populärwissenschaftliche Veranstaltung „10 Jahre Higgs-Boson“
4. Juli 2022, 18 Uhr im Gerthsen-Hörsaal (Gebäude 30.21), Engesserstraße 9, am Campus Süd des KIT.

am 4. Juli 2012 – vor zehn Jahren – wurde am europäischen Großforschungszentrum CERN in Genf die Entdeckung des Higgs-Bosons bekannt gegeben. An dieser Entdeckung war das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) mit vielen wissenschaftlichen Gruppen und Technologien beteiligt – und die Forschenden des KIT beschäftigen sich auch weiterhin mit diesem Teilchen. Einblick in die laufende Forschung bietet die populärwissenschaftliche Veranstaltung „10 Jahre Higgs-Boson".

„Das Higgs-Teilchen verleiht allen anderen Teilchen ihre Masse und ist das letzte Puzzlestück, das im Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik zur Beschreibung der Materiebausteine und ihrer Wechselwirkungen noch gefehlt hatte“, sagt der Teilchenphysiker Professor Markus Klute, der mit seiner Gruppe in den USA wesentlich zur Entdeckung des Higgs-Bosons beigetragen hat. Seit dem vergangenen Jahr forscht er als Humboldt-Professor am KIT.
Beendet sei die Forschung zu dem Teilchen aber noch lange nicht, so Klute. „Wir wollen das Higgs-Teilchen besser und vor allem breit verstehen: Welche Eigenschaften hat es? Welche Prozesse unterstützt es? Wie koppelt es sich an andere Teilchen? Gibt es Teilchen, die ihm gleichen?“ Inzwischen können die Forschenden das Higgs-Boson bis in den Prozentbereich hinein vermessen. Doch es gehe noch um mehr: „Am Ende möchte ich herausfinden, wo die Grenzen unseres Verständnisses liegen“, sagt Klute.
Was aber kommt nach dem Standardmodell? „Es gibt Phänomene, die es nicht abbildet. Ein Beispiel ist die dunkle Materie, die für den Aufbau unseres Universums mit seinen Galaxien fundamental wichtig ist“, erläutert Klute. Dass es sie geben muss, zeigten Gravitationsmessungen – gesehen habe man sie jedoch noch nicht. Auch Wechselwirkungen zwischen dunkler und sichtbarer Materie seien bislang nicht nachweisbar. „Meine Hoffnung ist, dass wir durch das Higgs-Boson mehr darüber lernen können“, sagt Klute.

Markus Klute und sein Team sind in der Hochenergiephysik unterwegs. Sie designen Maschinen, die auf Lichtgeschwindigkeit gebrachte Teilchen bei der Kollision aufspüren, entwickeln die Analysewerkzeuge für die gemessenen Daten und haben den Einsatz moderner Techniken des Maschinellen Lernens in der Hochenergiephysik etabliert. Das derzeit wichtigste Projekt von Klute ist das internationale Großforschungs-Experiment Compact Muon Solenoid, kurz CMS, am Large Hadron Collider (LHC) des CERN in Genf. Der Physiker gehört zu dem Team das im Laufe der CMS-Messungen das Higgs-Boson entdeckt hat.

Mehr Informationen


June 2022 - Workshop on 2S-modules @ ETP

220615_Gruppenfoto_2s-module_workshop.jpeg Marius Neufeld / KIT
Group picture

How can you build a silicon particle detector that can withstand the harsh radiation environment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and at the same time give fast input to real-time data selection? This was the guiding question for a workshop on “2S modules” held at KIT from June 13 to 15, 2022. About 35 attendees from 12 different member institutes of the CMS collaboration in Europe, the Indian subcontinent, and North America came together to discuss the project status and learn from each other in hands-on sessions about the complex assembly procedure in the newly extended clean room at KIT. Workshop organizer Dr. Stefan Maier points out: ”If you build 2S modules, there are so many details to get right. This is true not just for the assembly itself but also for all organizatorial and logistical aspects. It was great to have everybody here in person after two years of COVID restrictions and exchange our ideas.” The 2S module workshop enjoyed financial support by KCETA, the KIT Center Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics.

The LHC and its experiments will undergo significant updates for high-luminosity phase (HL-LHC), starting in 2029. The CMS experiment at the LHC will replace its entire silicon tracking detector system. The outermost part of the system (seen from the collision point) will be equipped with about 7600 2S modules, to be built by an international consortium between 2023 and 2025. CMS project leader Prof. Ulrich Heintz from Brown University: “A well-defined and precise assembly of the silicon modules is a key element for the new CMS tracker. A workshop like this is the perfect occasion to gather all involved institutes to discuss and define how we finalize the prototyping phase to enter the production period well-prepared.”

June 1, 2022 – Kathrin Valerius at the 10th MINT Summit in Berlin

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Valerius beim MINT-Forum Nationales MINT-Forum
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Valerius as panel guest at the 10th MINT Summit in Berlin

The MINT Action Plan of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will be continued and expanded. This was announced by Federal Minister of Education Bettina Stark-Watzinger at the 10th National MINT Summit in Berlin. She presented a "5-point plan for more MINT skills." The ministry plans to provide a total of 45 million euros for this purpose. The organizer was the national MINT Forum, which celebrated its tenth anniversary on this occasion.

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Valerius was invited as a panel guest at the summit, which focused on the question, "Success through diversity - how do we leverage MINT potential?"

Participants of the panel:
Dr. Stephanie Kowitz-Harms, Head of joint project „MINTvernetzt“ (Moderation), in discussion with Hani Balbicy, BSR (Best IT apprentice of the year), Gülsah Wilke, COO Ada Health (Representative Economy), Prof. Dr. Kathrin Valerius, KIT (Representative Science) and Prof. Heidrun Stöger, Universität Regensburg (MINT-and Gender-/Diversity-Research)

More info here:

17. März 2022 – Das IceCube-Observatorium am Südpol

Andreas Haungs berichtet im Mannheimer Planetarium über die Neutrinoforschung am Südpol
IceCube im Planetarium Mannheim – Vortrag von Andreas Haungs

KCETA-Wissenschaftler Dr. Andreas Haungs stellt Neutrinos als Boten der höchst-energetischen Prozesse im Universum vor und beschreibt die jüngsten Ergebnisse des IceCube-Neutrino-Observatoriums am Südpol. Mit coronabedingten zwei Jahren Verspätung findet nun der für März 2020 geplante Vortrag der Reihe Highlights der Astronomie des Planetariums Mannheim statt.

Mit dem Nachweis der ersten hochenergetischen astrophysikalischen Neutrinos gelang 2013 ein fundamentaler Durchbruch – Neutrino-Astronomie wurde als neues Forschungsgebiet etabliert.

Der 1 km³ große IceCube-Detektor am Südpol wurde 2010 fertiggestellt und nimmt seither kontinuierlich Daten. Im Jahr 2018 konnte dann die erste Neutrino-Quelle durch Koinzidenzmessungen mit Gammastrahlen-Experimenten identifiziert werden. Dieser Triumph der sogenannten Multi-Messenger-Astronomie, d.h. das Zusammenwirken der verschiedenen Boten wie kosmische Strahlung, Neutrinos, Gamma-Strahlung oder auch Gravitationswellen, bildet erst den Anfang der Nutzung des sehr großen Potentials von Beobachtungen hochenergetischer Neutrinos als astronomische und teilchenphysikalische Informationsquelle.

Donnerstag, 17.03.2022, 19.30 Uhr
Planetarium Mannheim, Kuppelsaal
Eintritt 5,00 €


26. Nov. 2021 – Prof. Torben Ferber bei der Nacht der Wissenschaft

Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen: wie man nach dunkler Materie sucht
2021 11 Nacht der Wissenschaft.jpg Nacht der Wissenschaft

In der Nacht vom 26. November 2021 fand wieder die "Nacht der Wissenschaft" statt. Bis in die frühen Morgenstunden waren viele spannende Vorträge aus den verschiedensten Fachbereichen als Livestream verfügbar.

Auch ein KCETA-Wissenschaftler, Prof. Torben Ferber, war dabei:

"Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen: wie man nach dunkler Materie sucht
Spannend und zugleich sehr mysteriös: Der Großteil unseres Universums besteht aus dunkler Materie – einer Form von Materie die sich bislang nur indirekt durch ihre Schwerkraft bemerkbar macht. Forscher weltweit suchen mit Hochdruck nach einem Nachweis im Labor: Tief unter der Erde, im Weltall, oder an den größten Teilchenbeschleunigern der Welt. Was wir über dunkle Materie wissen und was wir nicht wissen und wie man Unsichtbare Dinge sichtbar macht – und was hat das alles mit Spülmittel und Eichhörnchen zu tun?"



November 5, 2021 – Julius Wess Award 2021 for Prof. Mark Wise

Prof. Mark Wise, Caltech, was chosen to receive the Julius Wess Award 2021 Clara Murgui/Caltech
Prof. Mark Wise, Wess-Preisträger 2021

The Julius Wess Award 2021 of the KIT Center Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KCETA) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) goes to Professor Mark Wise of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). He receives the Julius Wess Award in recognition of his outstanding and pioneering scientific achievements in the field of theoretical particle physics, in particular the development of modern effective field theories for flavor physics, and his high international reputation.

More Information

Expedition into the world of elementary particles

For the Germany-wide "Woche der Teilchenwelt" from November 2 to 8, 2020, KCETA invited people interested in science
Participants of the International Cosmic Day 2020 Netzwerk Teilchenwelt
Participants at the International Cosmic Day
2020-11_woche-der-teilchenwelt.jpg Netzwerk Teilchenwelt

How was the universe created? What do we consist of? What does the LHC at CERN investigate?

These were the questions that science enthusiasts were able to pursue during the "Woche der Teilchenwelt" from 2 to 8 November 2020. All over Germany, the partner institutes of Netzwerk Teilchenwelt invited visitors to learn about particle and astroparticle physics and both, young and old alike were able to visit numerous events online – including guided tours, masterclasses and lectures.

During the virtual tour to the KATRIN experiment, which was conducted by KCETA scientists, interested participants were given both interesting information about the mysterious neutrinos – whose mass is measured with the KATRIN experiment – and an insight into the size and complexity of the experiment.

The "Woche der Teilchenwelt" took on an international character with the inclusion of the International Cosmic Day. Scientists from KCETA also took part in this event and evaluated data from the KASCADE experiment together with a group of students from Austria. Even though the experiment, which was previously located at the Campus North of KIT, has now been shut down, the data is still available via the KCDC web portal and the evaluation was prepared for the pupils using a Jupyter Notebook.

Both events have received positive feedback and will be repeated in the future for other science enthusiasts.

Information about the "Woche der Teilchenwelt"


29. Juni 2020 – Neutrino-Nachmittag für NTW-Fellows

screenshot_Katrin_webinar.jpg Netzwerk Teilchenwelt
VR-Katrin_700px.jpg Lisa Johnsen / Netzwerk Teilchenwelt

Das Netzwerk Teilchenwelt hat gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftlern vom KATRIN-Experiment einen virtuellen Neutrino-Nachmittag für Fellows* organisiert.

Mehr als 40 Fellows machten sich am Freitag, dem 19.6.2020 auf die Spur der großen Frage nach den Leichtgewichten der Physik. Ein Vortrag zur Neutrinowaage KATRIN mit der KCETA Wissenschaftlerin Prof. Kathrin Valerius eröffnete das Webinar, dann folgte eine virtuelle Tour am Experiment, die Dr. Manuel Klein (KCETA) übernahm. Anschließend erklärte Prof. Michael Kobel (TU Dresden), Projektleiter von Netzwerk Teilchenwelt, eine besondere Eigenschaft der sogenannten "Geisterteilchen". Anhand eines gekoppelten Pendels führte er anschaulich vor, was es mit Neutrino-Oszillationen auf sich hat.

Viele Fragen, viele Antworten, reges Interesse und noch einige Rätsel, die es zu lösen gilt – den beteiligten Wissenschaftlern gelang es, die Neutrino-Forschung direkt zu den Fellows nach Hause zu bringen! Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieser ersten online-Version eines Fellow-Nachmittags motiviert zu einer Fortführung dieses Formats.

*Fellows sind Jugendliche und Studierende, die mit dem Netzwerk Teilchenwelt eng verbunden sind und an deren Programmen teilgenommen haben. Das Ziel des Netzwerkes ist es, diesen hochqualifizierten Nachwuchs weiter zu fördern und mit der Forschung in Kontakt zu bringen. Seit 10 Jahren gibt es das Netzwerk Teilchenwelt, welches sich der Vermittlung der Physik der kleinsten Teilchen an Jugendliche und Lehrkräfte verschrieben hat. Weitere Infos zum Fellow-Programm gibt es hier.

March 5, 2020 – French Counsellor visits KIT


On March 5, 2020, Mr. Pascal Revel, Counsellor for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Germany, and Mr. Hervé Martin, University Tutor for Science Cooperation in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, visited KIT for the first time. Both visitors first had the opportunity to see the KATRIN experiment and to have it explained by Kathrin Valerius and Magnus Schloesser from the Institute of Nuclear Physics (IKP). At the subsequent meeting, Andreas Haungs (IKP) and Stefan Bekavac (Division V) presented the KIT Division V - Physics and Mathematics and the planned cooperation project between the Helmholtz Association and the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

Read more on the INTL website

Visit of the KATRIN Experiment
f.l.t.r.: Magnus Schloesser (IKP), Manuella Werp (INTL), Pascal Revel (Counsellor for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Germany), Andreas Haungs (IKP), Kathrin Valerius (IKP), Hervé Martin (University Tutor for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg), Klaus Eitel (IKP)

November 2019 – 20th Anniversary of the Pierre Auger Observatory

The participants of the celebration in front of the main building of the observatory for a group picture (© Miguel Martin)

Malargüe, Argentina    
14-16 November 2019

About 300 scientists and guests from all over the world celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Pierre Auger Observatory with a ceremony and a scientific symposium at the site of the Observatory in Argentina. The Pierre Auger Observatory has been built to study ultra-high energy cosmic rays, particles of the highest energies ever observed.

Ultra-High Energy Cosmic-Rays
Cosmic-rays are charged particles constantly bombarding the Earth and are one of the cosmic messengers that help us understand our Universe. At the highest energies, they are not much deflected by the Galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields, opening up the possibility of a new window in astronomy, the observation of the near-by Universe with charged-particles. The goal of the Pierre Auger Observatory is to study the nature and origin of those ultra-high energy cosmic rays, whose energy exceeds more than 100,000 times the energy that can be achieved in man-made accelerators.

The Pierre Auger Observatory
The Pierre Auger Observatory was conceived by Jim Cronin, Alan Watson and other scientists in 1991 to address the mysteries of the origin and nature of the highest-energy cosmic rays. It was clear to them that only a very large detector would reach the exposure to collect enough events to answer the questions raised by a century of earlier experiments. The Observatory design employs a „hybrid“ detector system consisting of a 3000 km2 array of 1660 particle detectors overlooked by 27 optical telescopes. These complementary detector techniques record both the particles and the faint fluorescence light resulting from the gigantic particle cascade initiated in the atmosphere by these mysterious cosmic rays. Soon after the foundation in 1999, construction of the Observatory started and was completed in 2008.


f.l.t.r.: Roberto Rivarola (Member of Board of Directors of CONICET), Fernando Ferroni (Chair of Finance Board), Ingo Allekotte (Bariloche, Project Manager Pierre Auger Observatory), Jorge Vergara Martínez (Mayor of Malargüe), Paula Nahirñak (Sub-secretary of State in Secretariat for Science and Technology), Osvaldo Calzetta (President CNEA), Ralph Engel (KIT, Spokesperson Pierre Auger Observatory), Alberto Etchegoyen (CNEA, Site Spokesperson), Julio Cobos (National Senator for the Province of Mendoza), Laura Montero (Vice-governor of the Province of Mendoza), Ernesto Maqueda (CNEA), Alan Watson (former Spokesperson Pierre Auger Observatory) (© Miguel Martin)

20th Anniversary
Scientists of the 90 participating institutes and groups, as well as representatives of all 17 member states of the international collaboration met in Malargüe, Argentina in mid-November to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the experiment as well as the scientific results achieved so far. A scientific symposium opened the festivities and highlighted the state of research. On the second day, the participants visited the detectors of the Observatory in the Argentine Pampa. Many of the scientists and guests participated also in the parade for the anniversary of the city of Malargüe.  The meeting continued with a ceremonial act at the campus of the Observatory. Venerable members of the collaboration as well as representatives of funding agencies and local politicians addressed the audience and congratulated the collaboration not only on the scientific successes, but also on the social relevance and impact of the project in the province of Mendoza. One highlight of the ceremony, which was moderated by the spokesperson of the collaboration, Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel from KCETA/KIT, was the conferral of the status “Honorable Senator” to the Pierre Auger Observatory by the Senate of Argentina. After unveiling a sculpture by Juan Pezzani symbolizing the role of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, the meeting concluded with a dinner banquet with typical Argentine barbecue and wine.

Among the high-ranking guests were numerous representatives of the supporting funding agencies, participating universities and institutes, as well as members of the Argentine federal and province governments. In Germany, groups of RWTH Aachen, Universität Hamburg, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Universität Siegen, and Bergische Universität Wuppertal participate in the Pierre Auger Observatory, of which representatives attended in the celebration. KIT was represented by the KIT Vice President for Research, Prof. Dr. Oliver Kraft, the Head of Division V, Prof. Dr. Johannes Blümer, and the Head of the Department for International Affairs, Dr. Klaus Rümmele.

A Bright Future
Spurred by the science results obtained so far, the Observatory is currently undergoing an upgrade („AugerPrime“), mostly aimed at improving the sensitivity of the observatory to the particle type and mass of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. This is done by installing new electronics, and additional and complementary detectors, allowing for a better separation of the type of the incoming particle on an event-by-event basis. The added observables are critical to select the subset of particle cascades that were produced most likely by lighter primary cosmic rays, which in turn may hold the key to identifying and studying the cosmic accelerators outside our own galaxy. More generally, the data collected with AugerPrime will also be used to explore fundamental particle physics at energies beyond those accessible at terrestrial accelerators, and perhaps yield the observation of new physics phenomena.



October 2019 – Cosmic Revelation in the Oppenauer 'Schlössle'

cosmic revelation

In October 2019 the move of the imachination labs into the new premises in the 'Villa Baron von Oppenau' was celebrated. Cosmic Revelation transforms the two towers into flickering light sculptures in the evening hours in order to carry the studio's work to the outside. In this cooperation with astroparticle physicists of KIT, the entry of the invisible cosmic rays is measured live on site and converted into light. The installation can currently be seen on weekends in the evening hours.

More information on

Report on baden online

September 11-13, 2019 – Workshop of the German CMS Groups at KIT

2019 09 CMS-Jahrestreffen.jpgCMS Collaboration

From September 11-13, 150 physicists from German research institutions met at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for their annual meeting. The participants are involved in the large-scale CMS experiment at the European CERN laboratory near Geneva or carry out theoretical calculations for it. At the workshop, the latest scientific results were exchanged and joint strategies coordinated.

The CMS experiment at CERNl explores the fundamental building blocks of nature and their interactions. The highlight of this research to date has been the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. Physicists from KIT, RWTH Aachen, Hamburg University, Münster University and the German Electron Synchrotron DESY have been making major contributions to this major basic research project for many years.

The workshop was opened by KIT Vice President for Research, Prof. Oliver Kraft. Among the guests were the scientific speaker of the CMS experiment, Prof. Roberto Carlin (Padua), representative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, but also young students of the nationwide "Particle World Network".

"The workshop offers our participants many opportunities for networking. This is particularly important for young researchers writing their master's or doctoral theses," said Prof. Ulrich Husemann of the KIT Institute for Experimental Particle Physics, the workshop leader.

More information:

16. September 2019 – New limit for the neutrino mass

KATRIN_spectrometer-inside_800px.jpg Foto: KIT/Beatrix von Puttkamer
Thierry Lasserre presenting the first KATRIN result

In a colloquium on September 16, 2019, the KATRIN Collaboration presented its new limit for the neutrino mass in the FTU at the North Campus of the KIT. With lectures by Christian Weinheimer, Guido Drexlin, Kathrin Valerius, Susanne Mertens and Thierry Lasserre and a press conference, the extremely impressive result was presented, that far exceeded all expectations.

Scientific colloquium
Press Information of KIT

October 9 and 10, 2019 – International Days at KIT


On October 9 and 10, the International Days will take place at KIT under the motto "Karlsruhe and the World". The program includes workshops, lectures, awards, an exhibition and much more related to the international activities of KIT and its partners. We would be very pleased if you could note the date and the event (Save the Date) and register soon!

KCETA will be represented by lectures by Prof. Guido Drexlin (9th Okotber 12:30 - 13:30), Dr. Erik Bründermann (9th October 16-17) and Prof. Ralph Engel (10th October, 10:15-11:15).


May 31, 2019 – "Cosmic Mirror"

Tim Otto Roth in Collaboration with KCETA in the Art Exhibition "From the Rocket to the Moon"
Cosmic Mirror imachination projects
© imachination projects

On the occasion of this year’s 50th anniversary of the first manned lunar landing, Parrotta Contemporary Art shows the exhibition "From the Rocket to the Moon" in Cologne and Bonn. The works shown reveal various aspects and associations that illuminate the themes of "rocket", "moon", and "space". A broad visual spectrum is opened up, covering the entire universe – from the tiniest elementary particle to the unfathomably large galaxy.

The lightning and sound sculpture by Tim Otto Roth "Cosmic Mirror" (2008/2019) , which was realized in collaboration with KCETA, provides a concrete physical reference to the universe. The energies of the cosmic rays, which constantly strike our planet from outer space, brightly discharge once or twice a second and become visible and audible.

See our video impressions:

Gallery Cologne 31.5. – 27.7.2019
Opening: Friday Mai 31, 2019, 6 – 9 pm

Gallery Burg Lede Bonn 1.6. – 27.7.2019
Opening and Summer Party: Saturday June 1, 2019, 4 pm – Midnight


Parrotta Contemporary Art
imachination projects

January, 23, 2019 – KIT im Rathaus: „Forschung an Superbeschleunigern“

KIT im Rathaus KIT

On 23 January 2019, KCETA again presented an event for the Karlsruhe public in the series "KIT im Rathaus". There were lectures on the topic "Forschung an Superbeschleunigern":

  • Prof. Dr. Marc Weber (Scientific speaker of KCETA)
    Das KIT-Zentrum für Elementarteilchen und Astroteilchenphysik stellt sich vor
  • Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel (Head of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, IKP; Scientific Spokesperson of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina)
    Kosmische Teilchenbeschleuniger der Superlative
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann (Professor for Experimental Particle Physics, ETP)
    Neues vom Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
  • Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller (Head of Institute for Beam Physics and Technology; IBPT)
    Superbeschleuniger der Zukunft: Maschinen für Forschung und Gesellschaft

In addition, welcome addresses by Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz (First Mayor of the City of Karlsruhe) and KIT Vice President for Research Prof. Dr. Oliver Kraft.

An accompanying exhibition took place in the upper foyer of the town hall from January 21-25, 2019. Besides many posters, we exhibited models of the IceCube experiment, the KATRIN experiment, the CMS experiment, the Pierre Auger observatory and the FLUTE experiment.

See the flyer of the event

KIT-im Rathaus – Impressions

Prof. Dr. Marc Weber

Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann

Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller

Gabriele Luczak-Schwarz

Prof. Dr. Oliver Kraft